l’m a blessed woman. I must say this website is really one of the most amazing website ever everyone in this is truly luck to be a member of this group like one lady said 2 days ago when she got her puppy she was so
hat and full of joy
I joint this group mainly because I was searching for a little lovely baby
After I got in contact with the website Cocker Spaniel Puppies For Adoption I was blessed by her

I got my adorable bundle of joy yesterday after talking and making necessary arrangements with Carole.
I thank God everything was successful we are so happy to welcome a new member into our family

Mark Jance / Facebook

First I’ll start by thanking God for making me find luna Cocker Spaniel Puppies For Adoption thank you for delivering my puppy to me we received our baby boy today from Carole I’ll love to open up my mind let everyone know about this Carole is a trusted person my experience with her was perfect de we had know worry’s with her at first when she asked for a deposit I was sceptical about you Carole well thank you for giving this beautiful puppy we love her so much f Carole you are one of the most important person l’ve ever met that gives people exactly what they want thank you ones more see you some other time when I’ll be needing another puppy we love you

Mark Jance / Facebook

If you are wanting to add a beautiful, healthy Cocker Spaniel to your family, Carole’s Cocker Spaniel Puppies For Adoption is the person for you. I reached out to her in 2024 shortly after losing our beloved 12-year-old Cocker Spaniel , Stella. I knew I would not be ready to have a new puppy right away, but I wanted to start the process. Carole is very efficient at getting back to you and in answering any questions or concerns you might have. She is also very thorough once you start the process of bringing one of her beautiful babies into your home. After selecting our new puppy, we got weekly pictures of her and also a weekly update of everything the litter was doing (development, vet visits, etc.). Our new puppy (Scarlett) is doing so well in our home and we are so in love with her. Thank you for everything, Carole!!!

MIRORIM / Facebook

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Luna is an adorable 8-week-old Cocker Spaniel puppy

with soft, fluffy fur and big, soulful eyes that melt hearts instantly. Her coat is a beautiful mix of golden and cream, with velvety, floppy ears that frame her tiny face perfectly. She has a little button nose that twitches curiously as she explores her surroundings, always eager to discover something new.

Full of playful energy, Luna loves bouncing around on her little paws, chasing after toys, and pouncing on anything that moves—including her own tail! She’s incredibly affectionate, always ready to snuggle up in a warm lap or give gentle puppy kisses. When she’s not playing, she enjoys curling up in a cozy spot, letting out the softest little snores.

With her wagging tail and happy-go-lucky personality, Luna already shows signs of being a loyal and loving companion. She’s learning new things every day, from responding to her name to taking her first wobbly steps on a leash. Whether she’s tumbling around in excitement or gazing up with those irresistible puppy-dog eyes, Luna is pure joy wrapped in a tiny, furry package. 🐾💕

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